Evacuation, not Externalisation
Three years ago, in October 2021, "evacuation now" was the main slogan of the historic sit-in led by Refugees in Libya, when they demonstrated for 100 days in front of UNHCR's office in Tripoli. The network born from that protest in the meanwhile is also organizing across Europe. Evacuation remains a central demand, along with accountability and policy change, for this important self-organized movement within the broader collective struggle for the right to move for everyone. "Evacuation not Externalization" is the title of an event from and with Refugees in Libya in October in Berlin. The campaign is challenging the repressive and right-wing rollback all over Europe and beyond, underlining what Medico International formulated recently: "Europe's shift to the right began with migration policy. And it must end there too."
In 2024:
● 49,308 people have arrived to Italy and Malta by sea (UNHCR figures as of 29 September)
● 10,098 people were rescued by the civil fleet from 190 boats in distress (CMRCC figures until June September 30)
● 759 people are reported dead or missing on the Central Mediterranean Route (UNHCR figures as of October 2)
● 17,632 people were intercepted and returned to Libya by the EU-supported so-called Libyan Coast Guard (IOM figures as of september 28)