Support us!
Maldusa is a sea and land project, and you can support us in various ways:
- Visit us at the Palermo Station, Via degli Schioppettieri, 23, 90133 Palermo PA, you can help us in our activities! (organizing events & workshops, book presentations and projections).
- If you share our political positioning and want to come on board send an email to: crewing@maldusa.org
- Spread the word! Let's build together networks of solidarity, critical knowledge and facilitation practices for freedom of movement!
- If you are part of a project that could connect to Maldusa, by sea or land, North or South of the Mediterranean, and would like to propose a collaboration, please send us an email to: info@maldusa.org
- If you want to support us, you can make a donation:
- Via IBAN: Maldusa Associazione Culturale, Banca Etica, IBAN: IT87F0501804600000017261249, Bic: ETICIT22XXX
- Via Credit Card/Paypal: by following the link or QR code below

Maldusa is a Social Promotion Association and donations to Maldusa are tax-deductible: upon request, each year we will send you a summary of donations made in the previous year, in time for your tax declaration.
For any questions about your donations write to us at: info@maldusa.org
Supported by:

Pro Asyl:
"Maldusa is a place of desire, born out of desperation: to arrive alive in a safe place.
Pro Asyl supports the Maldusa project because it links saving lives and supporting the arriving Boat People in Europe. Maldusa fights against people being left to die in the Mediterranean, being forced back into the torture camps of Libya and elsewhere.
Maldusa is watching the European coast guards and Frontex, documenting serious human rights violations and crimes committed by Europe and its dubious partners on the other side of the Mare Nostrum.
Maldusa strengthens the alliance of civilian sea rescue and human rights defenders to defend the rights of refugees and migrants: the right to life, protection and human dignity. The right to future. This also includes that the arrivals are not deprived of their rights in European camps at the external borders, but are allowed to travel on to the host country of their choice in the EU".

United4Rescue has been committed to the rescue of refugees in the Mediterranean since its foundation in 2019.
We help civilian sea rescue financially in an inter-organisational and unbureaucratic way, especially where there is an acute lack of money for rescue operations. For example, for the purchase and conversion of rescue ships, for equipment or deployment costs.
At the same time, United4Rescue is a broad alliance of hundreds of organisations united by the conviction that people should not be left to drown. The alliance publicly advocates for sea rescue and safe flight routes and generates attention for this important issue.
The situation on the Mediterranean Sea continues to be alarming. Thousands of people are drowning, even though sea rescue is a state duty. The member states of the European Union, however, rely on isolation. We do not want to stand idly by and watch this policy and humanitarian catastrophe. It is our duty to uphold human rights and document their violations.
Therefore, we support the Maldusa project of our alliance partners, specifically with the purchase of a fast vessel, which will be used for monitoring and rescuing on the shore off Lampedusa.

Medico International
It is necessary to make visible the violence
to which refugees are exposed who come to Lampedusa via Libya or Tunisia. It is
important to point out its continuity.
It already begins in the countries from which the people have to make their way. Displaced also by the violence of our western way of life and production, which does not allow them to remain there. The violence accompanies the migrants on their way to the North, continues on the Mediterranean Sea, where they are exposed to illegal pushbacks and are often left alone in distress at sea. And even within Europe, there are borders for refugees that can cost them their lives. There are many ways to kill, only a few of which are forbidden, Bertolt Brecht already noted. This is also true in the European Union, which instead of welcoming and showing solidarity, relies on a deadly policy of deterrence.
In order to make visible what refugees experience on their way, to document it and make it known, to insist on the legitimacy of migration, which can have the most diverse reasons, to support people on their arrival, that is why we as medico international are involved in Maldusa. It is about defending the right to freedom of movement.